Tag Archives: tea


LOVE this weather! New Mexico finally realized that it is December I guess…It has always been a late bloomer.

foggy drink for a foggy day

and new purchases..slash a growing book pile



Nutella on a spoon as substitution for meals is an expensive  (not to mention disgusting) habit to have. That dang hazelnut spread is costly– but SO worth it.

Generally I am a pretty stagnant save-a-holic bordering on the Jewish Grandmother side of the scale. I literally cringe when people throw some things away. As of late however, I have come to realize that some things are just worth it to spend money on.

I mean not to be morbid or anything but whatever money you don’t use up during your life just goes to someone else so might as well spend it (to an extent) on things that improve your quality of life.

I have taken this new view to heart and am LOVING my recent purchases.

BOOTIES! 69 sek (it was a sign!)

p.s. 69 sek is not equal to 69 dollars. It’s like 8 dollars, yo. I’m not that crazy

Robe from IKEA

Metal Brain Sucker..

JUST KIDDING. Head massager= best invention in the whole wide world.

The excitement about this baby is tangible!

I took this new frame of mind into account during a day excursion to Norrkoping where we came across a store filled to the brim with every vice I struggle with.

yeah we are talking chocolate..


coffee and coffee-related items (think mugs, jam, etc)

and an insane collection of teas!

One of which I bought. I haven’t tried it yet but it smells DIVINE. Seriously–it is a black tea with currant and crushed citrus leaves native to Norrkoping.

There are some things that I have realized lately, and I have come up with (surprise, surprise) a LIST!

Kallie’s (new) rules to live by

  • keep things simple
  • say thank you
  • smile at strangers
  • admit when you are wrong, it’s okay
  • wash your socks often
  • dance in your room
  • the best foods are served in bowls
  • know when to say no..and when not to
  • endorphins are the best medicine
  • sometimes a little britney spears is necessary
  • oral hygiene is no joking matter
  • don’t lie
  • use spell check
  • don’t apologize for who you are
  • try everything once
  • trust your instinct
  • music cures bad moods (or screaming into a pillow)

I’m not saying that because I realize that these rules are ideal for my personal taste that I abide by every single one every single day, but ya gotta strive for the best.

Does anyone have any rules that they try to live by?


I find it sad that my grandmother-ness is apparent across cultural borders. When one of my Turkish roommates chuckled as he walked past me this morning–parked on the sofa with tea, in my glasses and favorite sweater, knitting–I had was curious as to why.

When I asked, the reply was that I looked like a grandmother. Welp, might as well move into the retirement home now people. Apparently I would fit right in.

My day moved at a senior citizen’s pace, just the way I like it. With all this activity I have not had much down time in my room to just relax so I took today to do just that. It was beautiful outside, so I opened my windows wide as I proceeded to sit at my desk, refilling my teacup while knitting and watching season one Rachel Zoe illegally online.

I did have a moderate amount of social contact however so no one get concerned! I had dinner with friends (chinese food) followed by dessert at back at my place for some Bridget Jones Diary watching.

Geez I love Colin Firth. Yes, I realize I have odd taste in men.

Bridget reminds me of myself in so many ways, so it is rather painful for me to watch her get herself into awkward social situations because I do many of the same embarassing things (or similar haha not EXACTLY the same). We also share the inability to censor things that come out of our mouths at any given moment, spend alot of time with our parents, and even dress similarly?

It’s quite disturbing really.

She is interesting to watch however, and people like the movies and books for a reason so I suppose I would rather be spastic and unpredictable than be boring. I am here to entertain you–you are welcome.



Alright, this is the official call for voting disco dancing into the olympic games. Particularly Euro disco dancing. I consider myself to be a relatively avid dancer, but I had to peace out early (1:30 or so) because I was just TOO DAMN TIRED.
notice the cute couple to the left COULD I GET ANY CREEPIER. i dont care. they are sweet hahah

Granted, today WAS another busy one so I have a right to be worn out. It began with a failed attempt to sleep in, followed by finally paying my rent, going to the shopping center with the girls, finally purchasing essentials (yes, more essentials) like a loofah, a hair brush, an agenda, and some chicken and meatballs.

ACTUAL FOOD exists in my life again and I cannot wait to eat it. Not that I haven’t been absolutely loving my diet of crackers and cheese and licorice. How can someone expect a candy fiend like me to eat anything else when the candy aisles here are beyond insane?! They even have black licorice ice cream, but I have yet to bring myself to eat ice cream when it is cold outside. Probably should do it now before it gets any chillier I suppose.

I was unable to actually eat any other of my new purchases (except some candy on the bus of course) because some boys were making German lasagna for a little crowd of 12 people so of course I couldn’t turn that down. While I was getting ready to leave everyone in the world got on skype so I got to talk for an hour or so. Then dinner, pre party, and disco around ten! We picked up quite a few friends on or walk there, growing from nine people to 15..quite a dance circle. I dont know if any of you have heard of Swedish House Mafia but people around here go crazy for it..you should have seen the dance floor when that baby hit the airwaves.

The music was so-so but give me anything with a beat and of course I love it. My crazy dancing tactics were on the tame side of this dance floor so you know I was loving it. Two-or-so hours in and I was a sweaty mess, and ready for a break, which eventually turned into talking to people and getting tired SOOOO I joined another girl who was ready to leave on our trek back to Ryd, the student housing.

I have really come to treasure my relaxing time when I get on the computer, creep on the ABQ facebook goings on and drink my stress relief tea. Tonight my tea bag had the loveliest little words of wisdom.

But yeah, it was a nice thing to read :)

Miss you all!


..are quickly approaching status ‘COMPLETE’ I am happy to announce. As usual, this Sunday has been magnificent, relaxing, and highly photographed.

It all began with a lazy morning filled with caffination, reading and kitty loving.

Little marble is feisty! It was beyond gorgeous outside, perfect for making some SUN TEA.

–Have you ever heard of sun tea? It is where you put water and tea bags outside and let the sun heat and steep it. I only found out today about it, but I was tickled!–

Did I mention that wildflowers are taking over our yard? Not that I’m complaining..

After much dawdling it was off to my mom’s house for some serious trip prep. I popped in some laundry and headed out to enjoy the sun before my three weeks without it.

After a quick elliptical session and stretch, laundry was done, folded, and set out to be packed:

So the amount of food I am bringing could sufficiently feed a small country in Africa BUT I have my reasons so before I show you…hear me out. I used alot of my lobocash to buy things that would not go bad, limiting my choices to chips, candy, and energy bars basically. The first two options were out as soon as they were suggested, leaving me with the third. I am now in possession of an army of energy bars. Now I figure I can put my purchases to good use and save some money on my trip by snacking on those babies. And now revealing the loot:

I am super excited, got my boarding pass all printed out. My clothes on the path to being packed, and a delicious salmon dinner to enjoy.

Au revoir ;)