Tag Archives: weather


Is there anything more satisfying than an awesome itunes experience? not in my short life hahah i have low standards I suppose.

Little did I anticipate that Albuquerque’s recent fogginess would result in me waking up to probably about 10 inches of snow yesterday!! Welcome, winter. We have been expecting you.

Snowy days are such a source of comfort for me, so I will credit that to my great–albeit sleepy–day. I had a difficult, but needed conversation in the morning, took a long bath and read, hung with friends, went to see a movie with my best friend..it was a nice Friday I would say. ;)

It helps that it was capped off with streak of songs that fit my mood completely. Considering my itunes has everything from Marvin Gaye to Elliot Smith to Dixie Chicks it is always nice when it just nails your mood in music form under free reign!

can’t believe I only have a week and a day of being 18 left!


It appears I have a problem: I am apparently incapable of what some might call ‘taking it easy’

Despite the entire purpose of flying back over the Atlantic two months early basically being to recover from the immense stress I have put on myself for the past 6 months or so the moment I stepped off the plane I found myself creating to-do lists in my head.

It probably doesnt help that I came back during one of the busiest weeks of the year aparently–in between cruising campus looking for my homies, there is an insane amount of parties and events.

That being said, I have had the epitome of a perfect week. I have been in a constant stream gloriousness surrounded by the people I love and spoiled by the beautiful weather.

Seeing as I have barely had time to breathe, much less bliggity blog it UP for ya’ll i’ll go ahead and give you the cliffs notes version. Because let’s be real, who reads the actual books anymore (English majors aside haha we are nerds).

The past week in a nutshell

I visited all the essential favorites–Barnes and Noble, Buffalo Exchange, Whole Foods salad bar, Trader Joe’s..and Walmart hahah

I acquired a fancy shmancy new phone that I suspect has a higher IQ than me

I attended the plethora of parties that have occurred, had coffee and conversations, and had picnics!

I relaxed at home and caught up on my 30 rock, had lunch with dad, got my nails done with my mom, and taken part in Halloween traditions.

I haven’t had time to even contemplate that to-do list, the top of which is cleaning my room at my mom’s..



Oh yeah, I did this too.




Seeing as I have significantly reduced my coffee intake recently, I should not be surprised that I was still feeling the effects of a five o’ clock grande black coffee at almost one last night. I was feeling slightly fatigued when Kemp and I opted out of hanging with the gang at eleven thirty, but after brushing my teeth and settling down with my book before bed I realized I was too antsy to catch any zzz’s.

I am slightly cursing myself for not joining Leah in her choice of herbal tea over coffee yesterday afternoon, but I figured I would go ahead and begin writing a post to clear my head and possibly tire myself out.

Father’s Day was filled with cooking (any excuse I get these days I swear). I had stayed out a bit late the night before so I crashed in town at my mom’s house, and the drive out on Sunday morning to my dad’s was CRAZY pretty. Driving while taking pictures is obviously not advisable I realize BUT on did it quickly, while not looking at the camera, and strictly on straightaways.

On the Father’s Day menu

(*= from scratch)

  • Baba Ghanoush*
  • Chilled Asparagus
  • Shrimp and Scallops de Jonghe*
  • Green Salad
  • Cinnamon Ice Cream*
  • Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream*

I feel as though I can’t say that I made a salad or vegetable dish from scratch because I didn’t grow the veggies in some garden or something..what exactly qualifies something as being from scratch?! That term just sounds gross in my opinion, but I diverge..’From scratch’ or otherwise IIIITTT was delish of course and the weather cooled down a bit so it was pleasant eating outside.

hahah we are all making ridiculous faces. My dad is the photographer

Me dishing out some de Jonge..unaware of picture taking at this time

MMmmmK people fast forward a bit to Monday!!

Can be described in two words : lazy day. I drove into town early, got my oil changed, hung out with the boy–he was subjected to two episodes of the O.C. in exchange for some quality world cup watching–grabbed coffee with leah and then dinner with my mom, and then Kemper and I headed off to Morgan’s to hang out with everyone.

Over our dinner conversation I was reminded by my mom of all the things that I was unaware of about my looming internship. I realized I had a multitude of questions about the dorm where I would be staying, what the dress code is, the hours involved, etc.

I arrived home and jotted down these questions to call about in the morning but realized with a little online research that I had all the information at my fingertips.

Here’s some things I discovered!

What my room will look like–I WILL HAVE A KITCHEN AND BATHROOM!! I will share this with one other person so hopefully the other intern and I are of the same political party…hahah. Actually that is not really a concern, considering I have a step dad and boyfriend who do not share the same political views as I do and I love them just the same :)

Also I cleverly figured out where I would be commuting to and from campus to Capitol Hill every day using a little thing I call Google Maps..perhaps you have heard of it? Total distance is 3.1 miles on the dot. So unbelievably tempting to forgo the metro and rent a bike instead but I have been assured that aside from the problematic heels+skirt+bike issue that it will be RIDICULOUSLY hot and humid and therefore a horrible idea to attempt to walk and or bike to work.

YIKES I have so much to do before I leave. Gotta get my stuff together for my Swedish Visa, call the internship office with my questions, do laundry and pack (duh), spend time with all my loved ones, work (if I ever manage to stop being such a sketch-ball writer..I swear I don’t know what it has been about this past month but I feel flakier than a croissant), etc.

Overwhelmed is an understatement.


I’m pretty sure i am getting a sunburn just thinking about going outside right now. yep, it’s that sunny. not that i’m complaining necessarily, but i cannot go for a run in the burning atmosphere that is Albuquerque at the moment so i’m stuck in my room listening to wilco and drinking the rest of this morning’s coffee.

I LOVELOVELOVEEEE this time of year for the most part though, its not flesh singing hot yet but its nice enough to wear dresses and no makeup :) i have not worn any form of makeup in like two weeks. im not kidding, i just dont care what i look like anymore because its so beautiful out there no one is looking at little old me!

Despite being utterly mind numbing, today was relatively productive. Had a three classes, an article, a fantastic salad for lunch(made from la po!!) AND i gotttt my housing sitchh under control for my internship in D.C this summer but WOW was it ridiculously priced. anyways i will be residing Francis Scott Key #410 in george washington university for the month of July.maybe i shouldnt put that on the internet.. please dont go there, hide in my closet, and kill me when i’m in the shower online creepers! thanks.

BLAH well as long as i’m sitting here brain-dead and in serious need of physical activity i might as well catch up on my housewives watching! i dont care what city you are in real housewives, i am perpetually addicted.

i hope it cools down soon